Hackensack River Canoe & Kayak Club

paddling for two score

21st Annual Halloween Pine Barrens Overnight Camping Trip
by Martin W.

Saturday & Sunday, October 31 - November 1, 2015

Short and sweet trip report...

Our 21st Annual Halloween excursion to the Pine Barrens was a success! Perfect weather, no blizzards, few people at the campsite (even though almost every site was reserved???) and plenty of vittles.

Had 11 HRCKC folks come - Monica O., Robyn L., Herta D., Jim M., Allen and Barbara, Phil B., Pam D., Mike I., Rico P. and myself....5 canoes and 4 kayaks.

The water was the lowest I've ever seen on this river but had enough to make the journey with some manual labor necessary every so often.

Had plenty Halloween vittles, a nice fire, great visual effects, but alas, no Dave M. to do his tribute to George Rafferty dance (suppose that may very well be a good thing).

Anyway we had a great time and again - nobody died! Hope we have a 22nd.


> Click here for Monica's photos

> Click here for Martin's photos