Hackensack River Canoe & Kayak Club

paddling for two score

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Opening day on the North Branch of the Raritan
by Bob Rancan

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Another opening day on the North Branch of the Raritan. Another iffy forecast (65% chance of showers, t-storms later in the day). Another wonderful paddle! Just a sprinkle as boats were unloaded, then the sun came out and clear skies the rest of the day. OK, there was some ill wind and colder weather late in the paddle but if you're watching the weather, you're not going. Haven't I said that before?

Perfect results, except for one terrific logjam and one pair of garden boots filled with water. Water level just adequate at 3.19 - 342 cfs and falling at Raritan gauge (3.65 at North Branch gauge).

Wildlife: 3 Adult Bald Eagles (one new nest spotted); Great Blue Heron Rookery with 20 odd nests; Wood Ducks; Common Merganser pairs; Northern Flicker; White-breasted nuthatch; Mallard pairs; Belted Kingfishers; male Eastern Bluebird; Pileated Woodpecker; Red Tail Hawks ;Turkey vultures; White-throated sparrows; Robins and a few Canada Geese. And, of course, 14 nattily dressed members: Peter Walker, Mike Capizzi, Jim More, Joan Bennett, Chris Meyers, Teri Rocco, Alex Trotta, Mark Grossmann, Maryanne Phelan, Asa Rennermalm, Sumonnat Kongchatree, myself and the photo contributors, Bob Cohn and Al Grenley. On the injured list but stopping by at the start with his usual hijinks: Dave Miller.


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Alex Teri North Branch 2021