Hackensack River Canoe & Kayak Club

paddling for two score

Farmington River
by Bob Rancan

Saturday, June 26, 2021

They came from far and wide. Six paddlers from five states (NJ, NY, CT, RI & MA) showed up on an overcast but nice June Saturday to run the Wild & Scenic section of the Farmington River. Conditions were almost perfect with 310cfs coming off Hogback Dam. I say almost because without any recent rainfall, the Still River flow was only adding 38-40cfs to the stream below Riverton. When that is adding a good amount of water to the Farmington to bring it up around 500cfs it makes for a better run. However, 350 was OK and certainly didn't cause us to turn around and go home.

As always, with veteran paddlers and good flowing water, the day went by too quickly. This section of the river is truly wild and scenic, with only a small number of houses and one stretch through a town to remind us we weren't miles away from civilization. Oh, and there was the small army of fishermen in their uniforms of waders and khaki vests. They were pretty friendly for the most part and many expressed appreciations that we always tried to pass behind them and not run over their pools.

There were two ospreys sighted, many great blue herons and countless yellow warblers (both seen and heard); common mergansers were abundant, several females with their broods; many cedar waxwings and tons of swallows (barn & tree) along with a pair of belted kingfishers, goldfinches and a flicker....a river trip with everything to offer.

Thanks to Mary Ann Hoag, Erick Elickson, Bill Luther and locals Paul Danielewicz and Scott Waleski for the great day.


Photos by Erik Ekilson