Hackensack River Canoe & Kayak Club

paddling for two score

Meadowlands Meander
by Nancy Passow

Sunday, May 10, 2009 (Mother's Day)
Trip Coordinator: Mike Passow

Back on Mother's Day, we had an interesting Meadowlands Meander -- although it didn't rain, it was very windy which led to some interesting paddling conditions. Also, the tide went out faster than expected, cutting off part of the planned return route. Our group included 14 kayaks and 2 canoes.

One of the lessons learned was why you dress (and prepare) for what you don't think is going to happen; second lesson learned is why you paddle in a group -- when things happen, there are lots of willing hands to help out.

Here are two sets of photos from our trip; first is Nancy's photos and the second set is Bela's photos which include several short videos.

We will be leading another Meadowlands Meander, but probably not until the fall as the July 12 meander is postponed.

Nancy & Mike