Hackensack River Canoe & Kayak Club

paddling for two score

South Branch, Rockaway Creek, Rockaway Creek, Lamington River
by Bob Rancan

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Yes, it was raining, steady and even a little bit heavy at times. But it was all over by noon and the Round Valley water release kept on coming (they did cut back the amount temporarily to prevent downstream flooding.) The creeks ran full and there were about as many downed trees as expected. Only one set of downed trees necessitated a detour, the black angus herd mostly stayed on the riverbank and although the birding wasn't too good in the rain, it was great to move through the deep woods.

Thanks to Kevin McCarthy and Dennis Skillman of Mohawk, Tom DeAngelis, Henry Degenhardt, Ted Wright, Larry Gross, Tom Justesen, Chris Meyers and Tom Hart.
