Hackensack River Canoe & Kayak Club

paddling for two score

SWYB Day Frolics
7th Annual Swim With Your Boat Day
by Martin Wellhoefer

Saturday, August 15, 2010

One great SWYB Day..... One lost camera......

Well again, the HRCKC's 7th Annual Swim With Your Boat Day was a complete success - everyone got to float around in their lifevest... everyone fell out of their boat .... everyone got wet... everyone got back into their boat.... no one died... and no banjo music (but Captain Jeff did come forth with a valley resonating rendition of his infamous Adirondack "Indian Crooning Song", resulting in a club-wide suicide watch.)

We had 35 members show up for this last SWYBD of the season with some great instruction on self and assisted rescue from our resident kayak experts extraordinaire - James More, Rick Loggia and of course... Mr. William Bradshaw. The canoe contingent - Jeff Bowen and myself demoed in-water boat over boat rescue with no loss of britches.

Alas, I had taken plenty of video....... but my waterproof camcorder is now missing in action. So drats, no movies.
Again, I want to thank those that lent a hand to make this event a success - especially to Jeff Bowen, James More, Rick Loggia and Bill Bradshaw volunteering their knowledge, patience and dedication which allows the HRCKC to provide these benefits to its membership.

We hope everyone attending had a great time and learned something to boot!

See you at next year's SWYBD.
