Hackensack River Canoe & Kayak Club

paddling for two score

fb19 001Flat Brook
by Bob Rancan

Saturday, March 30, 2019

A hot day in March! On Saturday afternoon the temperature reached into the 70s, even in Sussex County. Ten paddlers in nine boats ran the Flat Brook from the Flatbrook-Roy Wildlife Mgt. Area to Haney's Mill. With no rainfall during the week the river level had dropped to a gauge reading of 2.56 but on the heels of a wet late winter there was enough water to paddle. A small stream with lots of downed trees, this year's run was surprising in that we only needed to negotiate around or over three obstructions. We saw a couple of phoebes probably battling for territory at the start, heard lots of birds in the woods all day, had multiple Red Tail hawks, Great Blue Herons, Wood Ducks, Common Mergansers and Mallards. Some blue jays, woodpeckers and one Belted Kingfisher rounded out the day and although we weren't lucky enough to spot some of the special species, like beaver, mink and bear, most of the group walked up to Buttermilk Falls for a nice change. Great day! Thanks to Al, Sumonnat and Mike Capizzi for the photos.



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