Hackensack River Canoe & Kayak Club

paddling for two score

Great Swamp
Patterson, NY
by Bob Rancan

Sunday, June 8, 2014

A beautiful sunny day and normal late spring water levels on the East Branch of the Croton River in the Great Swamp, Patterson, NY. During last year's trip the swamp was flooded with about four times the normal water level. This year, a median level of 96cfs was still no problem to paddle. We did notice and scrape over some old beaver dams that were well under water last time. There were many kingbirds, red wing blackbirds, tree and barn swallows, great blue herons, great egrets, a green heron and a lone belted kingfisher. 18 members in 17 boats. A good time and some nice socializing at the Green Chimneys School take out.

> Monica Orso's photos
